the role of multiple elites in Iran's constitutional revolution

Document Type : علمی -پژوهشی


Agent based explanations with emphasis on elites is one of the most important approaches in recent social science. Although most of studies in this area are focusing on elites, have ignored the structures, in present paper not only elites are inseparable from structures, but also are created by them and affect them. This paper is an effort to explain Iran's constitutional revolution regarding theoretical background. Also, the role of multiple elites and their configurations based on their economic, ideological, political, military power and elite's originations – which both are based on economic, political, cultural and social structural potentials - were studied. During constitutional revolution 5 kinds of elites ranging from clergy, intellectuals, businessmen to landlords and ruling elites were recognized and their relationships were studied based on conflict continuum. Finally configuration of elites in the eve of constitution and also during the first and second parliaments and its differences in aforementioned periods were presented.


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